Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cross-Cultural Management Involvement of the Team Works

Question: Discuss about theCross-Cultural Management for Involvement of the Team Works. Answer: Introduction Cross-cultural management is the process of the involvement of the team works in their own ways which includes many differences between the teams. These differences that are present are the cultural differences in the practices and the performances of the organization in the global environment which takes the account of the customer preferences (Barnett, 2016). The cross-cultural attitude of an organization develops when there is a rise in the involvement of an organization in different environment for its expansion by adopting various new innovative ways after going through the physical and structural environment of that place. The cross-cultural management generally involves its existence in the international market. Also the organization makes the eligibility and its efficiency in each and every term by taking the methods of adaptations. For getting successful business in the international market, there must be having the intercultural interactions in the market (Chen, 2014). These cross-cultural interactions make the cultural viability of the organization easy to cope with the ongoing market structure and condition (Coldwell Fried, 2014). Therefore the cultural environment of the Nestle is to be studied which will definitely give the idea defining the environment of the organization and that the organization is facing in its development. Nestle is the company that produces the Swiss transnational drink and food and which is having its branches globally (Eisenberg, Hrtel Stahl, 2013). It was founded by Henri Nestle in 1866. The company is accepted globally for many of its food products and majorly many of its baby products. It generally operates in around 194 countries. Cultural Aspect of Nestle Nestle is having a brand name in the market of having its leading products which increasing the economic standard of the company and the country. Nestle is basically starting from the Switzerland and after that operating in many of the countries with having the supply of the services to the customers in the different regions of world (Holden, Michailova Tietze, 2015). Due to this, Nestle must have a good environment from cultural aspect, as in the process of international marketing, the issues are being raised during the differences in the culture of the organization (Joint, 2014). The culture of the organization can be defined as the all total values, customs and beliefs of the organization that is meant to serve the customer of that particular countrys market. Those cultures are inbuilt in the countrys society and market which allows the survival of the organization. Nestle is having a wide range of its products and a wide range of its customers with a well-defined and well cultured organization and also maintaining a good rapport in the international market making itself an organization that can be said as the worlds largest food company. It has taken the position by maintaining strong roots that are guided by following many principles for the successful business strategy (Jyoti Kour, 2015). Basically Nestle follows the route of innovation and renovation for the development of the customer satisfactory products which is further having balance in both the geographic and product activities (Jiang, Gollan Brooks, 2015). As the company basically belongs to the food and drink company, therefore the company always aims towards the delivery of best products to the customers by basing upon the decentralization principle of running the efficient business. Cross-Cultural Communication The cross-cultural effect between the organizations is the very important resultant of globalization due to which the businesses are becoming much intercultural that helps the organization in showing their capacities in the global market by undergoing the rules and regulations of foreign culture. The cultural boundaries of the countries must be known before the reflection of the capacities of the organization (Jackson, 2015). When coming to Nestle it makes the subsidiaries and the people aware of its guidelines which help in adapting the culture for customer needs and demands. By following the guidelines for better communication, the written instructions are being prepared which makes the proper understanding of people regarding Nestle which will be eventually helpful for the subsidiaries (Kelly, 2016). The subsidiaries eventually get obliged because due to this the people get the idea of the companys spirit in competing with the market conditions by acquiring strong communication wi th the people. As Nestle is global company having its subsidiaries all across the globe, therefore the strong communication between the subsidiaries to build a well-defined structure of the company for marketing issues. This well-defined structure is the good management team which Nestle is definitely having in it. It is having its headquarters in Switzerland, having a management team containing the people from Spain, Austria, Swiss, Mexico, America, British and Sweden (Lpez-Duarte, Vidal-Surez Gonzlez, 2015). Therefore having the management team of people from different regions and different countries it indicates the definition of the culture of the organization by making the organization more flexible and tolerant in any type of environment and in any type of market situation globally. The tolerance of Nestle makes it perfect for getting stable place in the intercultural communication by going through various methods to catch up with its subsidiaries and that particular market (Miska ner, 2015 ). Cross-Cultural Negotiations and Business Practices The business practices and the negotiations that Nestle is making, plays a significant role in the which it makes by many verbal and written communication in between the parties and the countries for a better negotiation in the organization (Ramsey Lorenz, 2016). The cultural environment of Nestle maintains a monochromic and polychromic culture by maintaining the required agendas and desired schedules with a well-defined communication. The monochromic and polychromic culture depends upon the specific cultures of the market of the particular country which also counts on the interpreting behaviour as per the international market (Sultana et al., 2013). Apart from making many important decisions, for example in a case, Nestle makes the use of the supply chain of labours in which it takes sourcing of the seafood in Thailand. Due to this Nestle is facing many legal actions across the globe which in that case makes the position of Nestle somehow unfortunate in the global market. Sometimes the company gets involved in the issue of the child trafficking leads to the investigation according to the civil litigation suits (Thomas Peterson, 2014). Due to the forced labour practices found in Thailand there were the productions of the products which contain many issues that are forced the environment to the labour abuses. Therefore there has been an investigation committee which has been taken into consideration the issue of the abuses towards the poor, unpaid and the migrant workers that are being tortured in the Thailand. Nestle is the company that is sourcing the seafood in Thailand as there is no other company doing the same Thailand. The investigation of this procedure is done by Nick Grono, Chief executive of NGO the Freedom Fund, who mainly takes the initiative to in administering the anti-trafficking initiatives (Tung, Baumann Hamin, 2013). This issue has taken the initiative towards the positive differences and started sourcing of the ingredients and applied more force in shifting the desired parameters for the successful business according to the accountability of supply chain of the company. The business practices of the company makes the employees of the organization to be goal oriented and aims at the good delivery of the products to the customers an increasing the percentage of sales by increasing the economic strength of the company. The business practices and employee management makes the organizations environment and organizations culture satisfactory for the survival of the employees by broadening its area of business globally (Wang, 2013). Therefore it is evident that Nestle makes the efficient motivation of the employees through the performances appraisals, maintenance of the healthy working environment in the organization with many compensation and benefits with also the maintenance of the safety and health measures that are required for the organization. The fruitful and successful business practices make Nestle a good decision maker by developing more beneficial and excellent marketing skill and more efficient production of the products according to the needs of the customers by simultaneously maintaining a regular ethics code (Tung, Baumann Hamin, 2013). Due to this reason, Nestle is said to accept universally as the highly criticized formula for the practices that are said by WHO. Conclusion and Critical Analysis The total overview shows that Nestle exerts a greater force in achieving the goals in the business in the global market by expanding its market for the production of better quality products to satisfy the customers needs according to their demands. But apart from this as Nestle is getting into more controversies like in the case of labour abuse in Thailand that makes its fortune bad in the international market which also it is trying to eventually erase by making more sustainable products as per the requirement of the market (Ramsey Lorenz, 2016). By eradicating the issues in todays condition Nestle is mostly focussing on the missions by ensuring its consistency in the international market by making fruitful decisions for making its business for the production of goods and its delivery according to the demand of the customers (Kelly, 2016). 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